Home > Specialities > Orthopedics Pediatrics
Our Orthopedic team is dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of injuries and diseases affecting the full spectrum of musculoskeletal conditions, including bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves. With a team of experts, state-of-the-art facilities, and advanced diagnostic and treatment techniques. Our services encompass a wide range of treatments, including specialized care in pediatric orthopedics.
Edward David Gent
Orthopedics Pediatrics
Consultant Physician
Experience Years:
31 years
Ken Kalevi Kontio
Orthopedics Pediatrics
Consultant Physician
en fi
Experience Years:
22 years
Mohamed Ahmed Salem Mohamed
Orthopedics Pediatrics
Specialist Physician
en ar
Experience Years:
10 years
Tauseef Mohamed Yusuf Machhiwala
Orthopedics Pediatrics
Specialist Physician
en hi ur mr
Experience Years:
14 years