

Our Specialties

Pediatrics Clinical Genetics

We offer a comprehensive range of diagnostic services and genetic counseling to individuals and families who may have, or are at risk of, conditions with a genetic basis. Genetic disorders can impact various body systems and affect individuals across all age groups. These disorders encompass:

  • Chromosomal abnormalities, leading to birth defects, intellectual disabilities, and reproductive challenges.
  • Single gene disorders, including conditions like cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, Huntington's disease, and sickle cell disease.
  • Familial cancer and cancer-prone syndromes, such as inherited breast or colorectal cancer and neurofibromatosis.
  • Birth defects with a genetic component, such as neural tube defects and cleft lip and palate.

Our dedicated team is committed to providing accurate diagnosis and compassionate genetic counseling, ensuring that individuals and families receive the support and guidance they need to navigate these complex genetic conditions.


Maryam Mohammed Hasan Ali Alshehhi

Pediatrics Clinical Genetics

Consultant Physician

Maryam Mohammed Hasan Ali Alshehhi

Pediatrics Clinical Genetics

Consultant Physician


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Experience Years:

16 years